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GameBoy Cartridge

Available on the Nintendo GameBoy.

UNKNOWN (At the GameBoy)


Pin Name Description
1 VCC +5 VDC
2 ? ? Connected on Gameboy, but not used on GamePaks.
3 /RESET Reset
4 /WR Write
5 ? ? Used by paging PAL on high capacity GamePaks.
6 A0 Address 0
7 A1 Address 1
8 A2 Address 2
9 A3 Address 3
10 A4 Address 4
11 A5 Address 5
12 A6 Address 6
13 A7 Address 7
14 A8 Address 8
15 A9 Address 9
16 A10 Address 10
17 A11 Address 11
18 A12 Address 12
19 A13 Address 13
20 A14 Address 14
21 /CS Chip Select
22 D0 Data 0
23 D1 Data 1
24 D2 Data 2
25 D3 Data 3
26 D4 Data 4
27 D5 Data 5
28 D6 Data 6
29 D7 Data 7
30 /RD Read
31 ? ? Connected on Gameboy, but not used on Game-Paks.
32 GND Ground
Contributor: Joakim �gren
Source: Nintendo GameBoy FAQ, Pinout by Peter Knight & Josef Mollers
Please send any comments to Joakim �gren.